What happens when the community joins the exhibit?

The Red Mill Museum Village

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Stars and Stripes Fabric of the American Spirit

Hollander designed this exhibit for the Red Mill Museum Village. The challenge was to remind the visitors that the American flag, while an iconic symbol of our nation, was also a symbol of change. The configuration of stars in the field transformed over time. These changes reflected the growth of the country. Each of the 66 flags on display offered a gateway to a moment in our nation's past, prompting visitors to consider who made it, where was it wielded, and how it transformed the lives of the people in the community it served?



This exhibit was layered with programming which engaged the community in discussion of the role of the American flag in their own lives. Visitors were encourages to bring their own family flags to share at the museums..



Visitors brought flags that hailed from the Revolutionary War. They shared moving stories. One guest brought a commemorative hard hat, decorated with the stars and stripes, that had been awarded to a fireman in recognition of his service in NYC following 9/11..



Several of the flags were connected with the Irish community in the area and so Hollander coupled the exhibit with an Irish music session. Local musicians played songs on traditional instruments, and they encouraged visitors to participate throughout the afternoon.


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